EU National Institutes for Culture - EUNIC


European cultural project for the bicentennial of Peru

How to decentralize cultural offer beyond the capital city? How to reach to new audiences and actively engage citizens on issues of cultural and linguistic diversity and care for the environment?

The European cultural project for the bicentennial of Peru, is yet another EUNIC-EU joint project in the Americas. Coordinated by Alliance Française, implemented by EUNIC Peru and co-funded by the EU Delegation to Peru, the project aims to support cultural and creative industries in Peru and enhance social cohesion. The project is multifold, with a focus on strengthening the capacities of Peruvian professionals in cultural and creative industries (performing arts, music, literature, and cinema), developing active citizenship on issues of human rights, diversity, care for environment, and decentralizing the European cultural offer by reaching out to new audiences from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds beyond the capital city of Lima. In the context of bicentenary of Peru in 2021, the project is also seeking to redefine cultural heritage between Peru and Europe.

According to the National Institute of statistics and informatics of Peru access to culture and services tends to be limited and uneven in Peru. Between 7% to 10% of the Peruvian population goes to the public library, theatre or museum. Those who participate in the cultural offerings come from higher socio-economic background. Audience development is an emerging aspect of cultural management having the potential to improve and broaden access to culture amongst the people of Peru.

Besides the socioeconomic barriers impeding access to the cultural scene, there are also important geographical barriers, with the majority of cultural offer centralised in the capital city, Lima. The majority of cultural centres and places, and in particular the European ones, are mainly located in the city centre of Lima. Given the limited reach of public transport, broad majority of the local public is unable to participate in the cultural activities.

Although the cultural industries started to develop in recent years, they remain incipient. Artists, associations and cultural enterprises need incentives and support to further develop capacities.

The European cultural project for the bicentennial of Peru, funded by the EU Delegation to Peru, is coordinated by Alliance Française and implemented together with the EUNIC cluster in Peru with many local partners. The 18-month long project has three main goals:

  • decentralize the European cultural offer of EUNIC Peru by reaching out to new audiences beyond the capital city
  • strengthen the capacities of Peruvian professionals in cultural and creative industries (performing arts, music, literature, and cinema).
  • develop active citizenship and raise awareness on issues of human rights, diversity, care and protection of the environment.

The European cultural project for the bicentennial of Peru has supported the following activities in 2020 and 2021:

Performing Arts: contemporary theatre, dance and contemporary music.

  • International Festival Dance at home (April and May 2020)
  • Music Festival (June 2020 and June 2021)
  • Current | International Market for Music (August 2020 and August 2021)
  • International Theater Festival High Season (February 2021)
  • Presentation of the album "Pawaspay", by Liberato Kani (June 2021)
  • Disc "Peru Remix" (July 2021)


  • Cinema next to the sky (February 2020)
  • CineLabs: Contemporary Cinema Workshops and Master Classes (November 2020, June 2021)

Discussion of ideas: Citizenship and research

  • International Forum of Urban Interventions (August 2020 and to be confirmed 2021)
  • European Day of Languages ​​(September 2020)
  • City Award for Urban Leadership (December 2020 and May 2021)
  • Forum Cities How We Are Going (January 2021)
  • "Jatibi Ibo Bake" - Shipibo translation of "The Little Prince" (March 2021)
  • Bicentennial (March 2021)
  • Neighbors' Party • Cities How We Go (May 2021)
  • Awasun: Andean Textiles: a global look- archeology, history, anthropology (August 2021)
  • Congress: From good government to public order - XVIIe-XXe (August 2021)
  • Franco-Peruvian-Greek petrographic study of the archaeological pottery of the Sechura desert (August 2021)

  • Capacity building
  • Creative industries
  • Cultural sector
  • Diversity
  • EU Delegation
  • Multilingualism

Co-funded by the European Union Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.