EU National Institutes for Culture - EUNIC


Migration: Verbal Portraits

The projects focused on migration in the context of current challenges faced by the European Union and historical links to migration in Argentina. The aim is to foster transatlantic intercultural dialogue.

The cluster is starting its three-year migration project with three main actions in 2017:

  • joint two-day conference “Global Dialogues” with the Argentine National Ministry of Culture to explore the current situation of migrants and refugees from a cultural and social perspective in the lead up to Argentina receiving Syrian refugees in 2017;
  • involvement in the European Film Festival in Buenos Aires in partnership with the EU Delegation by introducing a thematic approach to the festival with the focus on migration; and
  • the creation of an interactive, multidisciplinary exhibition, “Verbal Portraits”, with the support of the Cluster Fund and partners in government, business and academia.

The exhibition will use live interview, video and photography, web survey, statistics and visual panels to invite audiences and individuals to explore their own perceptions, reactions and attitudes to the otherness put forward by migrants’ faces and appearance. In an innovative way, the exhibition will aim to consider both the social implications of migration as well as impact on applied neurosciences, while its scope will be extended to virtual workshops organised at various local schools.

  • Migration

Co-funded by the European Union Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.