Digital practices in response to the Covid-19 crisis: Study published
The study looks at the rapid digital shift that EUNIC members undertook in response to the Covid-19 crisis. It shares insights and good practices and provides recommendations on how to continue develop organisational capacities with digital tools, from working together to providing online content.

This study serves primarily to establish a broader perspective on digital transformation of EUNIC members as a result of a global pandemic that forced many organisations into prolonged closure of buildings to visitors and staff, teleworking and accelerated the use of digital tools and online offerings.
The year 2020 made it clear that digital transformation will have long-term consequences, and that organizations are unlikely to return to what was once considered ‘business as usual’. The adaptation and transition phases, however, are far from over, and this study aims to start an ongoing conversation that will accompany the navigation of this complex process moving forward.
The study collects key findings and recommendations to EUNIC members, clusters and EUNIC Global and sketches a way forward to come out of this crisis stronger and better equipped than before.
The study builds on the first EUNIC survey on the global impact of Covid-19 on EUNIC members in May 2020. A total of 21 qualitative interviews were conducted from June to October 2020 with 14 EUNIC member headquarter representatives, 5 EUNIC cluster representatives and 2 external experts in creative industries.