Credit: Dance Fusion Morocco / Instagram: @dance_fusion_morocco
EUNIC Cluster Fund Call for Proposals 2022: Apply by 9 November
This year's EUNIC Cluster Fund Call features a special focus on projects supporting and empowering youth through cultural initiatives.

Credit: Dance Fusion Morocco / Instagram: @dance_fusion_morocco
The purpose of the annual EUNIC Cluster Fund is to co-finance clusters’ projects that contribute to the principles of international cultural relations and to the collaborative implementation of the EUNIC Strategic Framework for 2020-2024. Since its establishment in 2012, the Cluster Fund has been EUNIC’s primary instrument to financially support colleagues working in clusters in delivering cultural relations activities. On the occasion of the Cluster Fund’s 10th anniversary this year, EUNIC has commissioned a report taking stock of the cluster network developments and sharing practical recommendations on how to take the funding scheme further in the future.
2022 has been designated as the European Year of Youth. Linking to EUNIC’s ongoing committment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, cultural relations activities specifically addressing and empowering young people can play an important role in sustainable social and economic development for future generations. Accordingly, the Cluster Fund 2022 strongly welcomes project proposals that address young people directly through their activities.
All EUNIC clusters are invited to apply with a cultural relations project until Wednesday 9 November. Clusters can apply for up to 20,000 euros, which can constitute a maximum of 60% of the total project budget. Submitted proposals have to involve a minimum of three Full EUNIC Members, furthermore a close collaboration with the EU Delegation or European Commission Representation as well as the involvement of a minimum of three key local cultural partner organisations are encouraged. Partners can be civil society organisations as well as public bodies. The project needs to be aligned with the local Cluster Strategy. In line with EUNIC's organisational commitment to the topic of fair collaboration in cultural relations, partnerships at eye-level should be at the core of the design and implementation of all submitted projects, including active participation and governance of all partners to ensure ownership by all. As an inspiration to design and manage a project in the spirit of fair collaboration the ‘Fairness Checker’ of EUNIC’s Not a Toolkit can be consulted.
- 1 September 2022: Publication of the Cluster Fund Call for Proposals 2022
- 2 November 2022: Last day to request optional feedback from the EUNIC office
- 9 November 2022 (at 23:59 CET): Deadline for submission of proposals
- End of November 2022: Final award decision by EUNIC Board of Directors
- Beginning of December 2022: Publication of selection results
- January – December 2023: Project implementation period
- 15 December 2023: Deadline to submit final project report and final payment invoice
How to apply?
The following documents need to be submitted:
- Application form completed in English (template available here)
- Estimated budget (in EUR) completed in English (template available here)
- Cluster Strategy (only if not already previously submitted to the EUNIC office; templates and examples available here).
All necessary documents can be found in the Cluster Fund application package online here.
EUNIC office support
Do not hesitate to contact the cluster management team if you have any questions about the call or the application process: Sybilla: sybilla.britani@eunicglobal.eu and Michelle: michelle.sun@eunicglobal.eu.
Clusters can request optional feedback on their proposal from the EUNIC office until 2 November 2022.
Want to have more information? The cluster management team is happy to answer any questions during the upcoming webinars on the Cluster Fund Call on Thursday, 13 September at 10am CEST and Wednesday, 14 September at 4pm CEST.
Sign up for these webinars here.
Additionally, from 22 September we will be available every week on Tuesday at 10am CEST and Thursday 4pm CEST in the open consultation space for any questions you might have on the Cluster Fund 2022 or any other inquiries about running your EUNIC cluster.
You can find previous Cluster Fund projects on our website.